THE REVOLUTION GONE: DIK Fagazine la Paradis Garaj
Karol Radziszewski (artist vizual si publisher al DIK Fagazine, Polonia) si Paweł Kubara (PR DIK Fagazine, Polonia) te invita sambata, 1 noiembrie de la ora 18:00 la lansarea numarului despre Romania a DIK Fagazin - The Revolution Gone - in spatiul relaxat de la ParadisGaraj (Strada Batistei 20), evenimentul fiind insotit de prezentarea foto "Transylvania" a artistului Karol Radziszewski, editorul revistei.
Cel mai recent numar al revistei DIK Fagazine, singura publicatie despre arta si homosexualitate din Europa Centrala si de Est, este dedicat imaginii masculinitatii si identitatii asa cum este ea perceputa intr-o Romanie contemporana.
Procesul de modernizare si tranzitie culturala a societatii romanesti este reflectat in interviuri cu oameni creativi din diverse domenii culturale, care prin arta, activismul sau implicarea lor sociala reprezinta noua atitudine vis-à-vis de conceptul de diversitate sociala si sexuala. Numarul dedicat Romaniei cuprinde lucrari de Alex Mirutziu si interviuri cu tineri artisti – Sebastian Moldovan, Vlad Nanca, fashion designeri si stilisti - Ovidiu Buta, Marian Palie, Olah Gyarfas, un coregraf si actor - Paul Dunca, patronul unui club - Issa Nebal, un activist gay - Tudor Kovacs, un jurnalist - Andrei Jianu si Loredana, muzician si gay icon.
Pe coperta, un desen de Dan Perjovschi, parte a contributiei intitulate The Bucharest Happy Hour Blues.
DIK Fagazin va fi disponibila la lansare la ParadisGaraj si la Rozalb de Mura STORE, Selari 9-11 - Curtea Sticlarilor, etaj 1.
DIK Fagazine este singura revista artistica despre masculinitate si homosexualitate focusata pe Europa Centrala si de Est. Revista, care apare la intervale neregulate din 2005 in editie bilingva (poloneza / engleza), surprinde specificitatea culturii gay si prezinta proiecte artistice din aceasta perspectiva.
Infiintata si editata de artistul visual Karol Radziszewski, DIK Fagazine se adreseaza celor interesati de arta si masculinitate. Principalele feature-uri ale revistei sunt interviurile cu personaje extraordinare, reportaje genuine in locuri relevante pentru cultura gay si designul exceptional. Fiecare numar are un format artistic unic si trateaza subiecte emblematice din arta, fotografie, literatura, comics sau moda.
DIK Fagazine
We are happy to invite you for the premiere of the new Romanian issue of DIK Fagazine. It will take place in ParadisGaraj - an independent art space in the centre of the Bucharest. DIK Fagazine will launch the new issue and present special installation with selected spreads from the magazine. The event will be accompanied by the photo slideshow - 'Transilvania' by Karol Radziszewski.
1st of November (Saturday), start: 6 pm
place: ParadisGaraj, Strada Batistei 20
Bucharest, Romania
The idea accompanying the new issue of the first Central – Eastern European magazine about art and homosexuality is to grasp the moment of modernization and a recent cultural transition of the Romanian society.
The subject of this change particularly interesting the editor of the magazine – artist Karol Radziszewski, is the image of masculinity and identity in contemporary Romanian visual and symbolic culture as well as in popular culture and group imaginary of society. The examples of this process can be discovered in interviews with the Romanian young generation of creative people from different cultural fields.
DIK Fagazine would also like to make a tribute to all those genuine creative guests featured in the issue who represent a new attitude towards cultural and sexual diversity through their art, activism and social involvement.
DIK, as usually, concentrates on the people. For this issue totally focused on contemporary Romania, we interviewed emerging artists (Sebastian Moldovan, Vlad Nanca), influential fashion people (Ovidiu Buta, Marian Palie, Olah Gyarfas), a choreographer and young actor (Paul Dunca), a club owner (Issa Nebal), a gay activist (Tudor Kovacs), a journalist who shared with us his impressive collection of photographs (Andrei Jianu) and the Romanian musician and gay icon actively propagating the tolerance, Loredana.
Moreover, we show works by Alex Mirutziu, probably the only Romanian artist working with the subject of homosexuality and a series of photographs made with a hidden camera nearby the salty lakes of Transylvania. The cover displays a drawing by Dan Perjovschi who contributed with the series of pieces created for this issue and titled The Bucharest Happy Hour Blues, while the comic strip is the work of the great Matei Branea.
At the Paradis Garaj DIK Fagazine will launch the new issue and present selected spreads from the magazine with artworks by featured artists. The event will be accompanied by the photo slideshow - „Transilvania" by Karol Radziszewski.
The Romanian issue of DIK Fagazine has been recently presented at Queer Zines - the main exhibition during the New York Art Book Fair.
THE REVOLUTION GONE – a quote from the cover drawing of DIK Fagazine No. 7 by Dan Perjovschi.
DIK Fagazine is the first and the only magazine from Central and Eastern Europe concentrated on art, homosexuality and masculinity. Bilingual (Polish and English), printed in Poland and distributed worldwide, DIK Fagazine is showcasing the specificity of homosexual culture and male image in post communist countries. Each issue of DIK Fagazine is developed into a unique artistic concept of its creator and publisher – artist Karol Radziszewski who founded the magazine in 2005. DIK Fagazine is filled with contributions by artists such as: Wilhelm Sasnal, Zbigniew Libera, Artur Zmijewski, Rafal Bujnowski, Katarzyna Kozyra, Pawel Althamer, Slava Mogutin and Brian Kenny, interviews with extraordinary people and genuine reportages. The magazine's scope of interest covers art, photography, literature, comics and fashion. The experimental layout and iconic logo of DIK Fagazine is designed by Monika Zawadzka.
DIK Fagazine
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